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Oohh yes. They have a sixth sense that can pick out people that are afraid, nervous, excited, angry, tense, happy, etc. by reading body language, or those that know cattle and are confident and calm around them; they are also great at picking out which person that walks into their pen is their owner or a stranger, and, most amusing of all, they can sense when you have a purpose in mind when you are about to herd them into the handling facilities to sort them, or switch pastures, or feed them. They learn pretty quick that the sound of a particular tractor starting up means "Feeding time!!!" or the sight of a pitchfork also means food is going to be served. They are also good at sensing when you in their pen just to check up on them and "hang out" for a while.

Cows get good at telling between which that are a threat to their calves and which aren't, though there are some that get stupid about this. Bulls can figger out merely by getting a hard whack on the nose if they misbehave around a person to respect his/her distance.

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