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Well of course they do. Both kinds feed that is sweet and what I grew up calling sweet feed. Or cob, corn, oats, and barley. Wet cob has molasses.

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Q: Do cows like sweet feed
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Can cows eat sweet feed?

Yes, but it's not acceptable for dairy cows,

Does Sweet feed help cows grow?

yes yes and makes the m stronger

What is cattle cube in sweet feed?

It's supplemental protein for beef cows that are on grass diets.

Is corn on the cob a weed?

No. people grow crops of sweet corn, and feed corn. humans eat sweet corn (how ever they want) and cows get the feed corn. it's not a weed. but there are lots of different types of sweet corn too.

Will moldy sweet feed kill cattle?

It can, yes, since there's a chemical in the feed that prevents blood from clotting, resulting in cows that cut or bruise themselves to bleed to death. Sweet clover disease is what it's called.

What to feed male cows?

you feed male cows (bulls) the same thing that you feed female cows so mostly grass.

Is it safe for goats to eat milo?

My feed store supplier said milo is bad for goats.. goats have two stomachs like cows.. they bring back up their food again and re chew He said it's bad for their stomachs and also had for their hooves My supplers sells me a corn mix that has oats and other grain for my goats.. it is not the sweet feed stuff.. it may have small trace of sweet in it.. and is good for cows and horses

Why cows give milk?

Cows give milk to feed their young, but humans like it so we drink it too.

Can vampire bats feed on humans?

They can, but they prefer livestock like cows.

How do you fatten up a horse quickly?

Sweet feed, sweet feed, sweet feed

Who feeds cows?

Farmers and ranchers often feed the cows. However cows are able to feed themselves when they're out grazing on pasture.

What is a relatively inexpensive feed for cows?

Grass is the most inexpensive feed you can feed your cows. It grows in your backyard and in your pastures, and only requires the cows to harvest it themselves. Hay comes as the second least expensive feed to feed cattle.