

Do crayons have different sizes

Updated: 12/6/2022
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Q: Do crayons have different sizes
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Where can one purchase 20 black crayons?

One can purchase 20 black crayons on Amazon by buying the black crayons in bulk as opposed to by the box which contains several different colors. One can also buy black crayons at Office Specialties.

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Science fair project with crayons?

You could melt different types of crayons to see which color melts faster. that would be categorized as chemistry

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they are made with different binders

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Cells are different shapes and sizes because they have different functions. The functions dictate the shapes and sizes.

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The different use of binders.

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Car batteries come in different sizes and weights.Car batteries come in different sizes and weights.Car batteries come in different sizes and weights.Car batteries come in different sizes and weights.

What is the German word for crayons?

crayons = Malkreide (sing.) crayons = Farbkreide (sing.) crayons = Buntstifte (pl.) crayons = Wachsstifte (pl.)

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They are different sizes to aid the blind/visually impaired

How do you spell crayons in French?

crayons - les crayons which means pencils. If coloured, they are crayons de couleur.

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different colored crayons

How many ounces and pounds in a box of crayons?

A box of a dozen (12) average crayons weighs about 2.11644oz but, there are different size 'boxes' of crayons. The ones you get at a restaurant may have 4 or 5 crayons, then I think there are ones with 15 or 16. Then there are 21, 48, 64, 96, and 120 count boxes, to name a few.