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That seems very likely since everything is interelated.

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Q: Do crocodiles share a common ancestor with dogs?
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That crocodiles share a common ancestor with bird dolphins and dog support your answer?

Crocodiles and birds share a common ancestor. This can be seen by comparing the internal anatomy of the two. Dogs and Dolphins also have a common ancestor. Their skeletons again are both distinctly mammillian. The ancestor of dogs and dolphins and the ancestor of birds and crocodiles will again share a common ancestor, but you will need to go much further back. I am not sure of the timescales but we are talking tens to hundreds of million years.

Crocodiles share a common ancestor with birds dolphins and dogs?

Yes, if you go back far enough.

Why is DNA of cats and dogs more similar than DNA of cats and hamsters?

Cats and dogs have a common ancestor that is more recent than the common ancestor of cats and hamsters.

What are male meerkats called?

Isn't a male meerkat called a dog since the meerkat shares a common ancestor with the domestic dogs and the wild cats? Dogs, cats, bears, hyenas and mongooses, including the meerkat share a common ancestor: the extinct miacis.

Which two goups of animals have a more recent common ancestor?

Dogs and wolves have a more recent common ancestor.

What do dogs and crocodiles eat in common?

they both eat meat.

How can DNA technology can be used to support the theory that poodles and wolves share a common ancestor?

A poodle is a type of dog, and dogs are cousings of wolves according to DNA technology.

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What dogs share in common with mice?

they both dislike cats

What species are humans closiest to?

Humans are closest to chimpanzees, with whom we share a common ancestor approximately 6-7 million years ago. Genetically, humans share around 98-99% of their DNA with chimpanzees.

Are the legs of dogs and insects analogous?

Dogs and insects both have apendages used for moving around, observing this similarity people use the same name to deceive all of them, legs. However to be homologous they must have been inherited by a shares ancestor (common ancestor). Going back in time from the dogs this is an ancestral creature earlier than the earliest vertabrates, before the bony fishes. Considering this it is easy to imagine these distantly related organisms (dogs and fish) did not both inherit the characteristic of having legs from a common ancestor. Therefor legs of dogs and insects are analogous, not homologous.

How do birds and dogs have the same DNA?

Their DNA has the same nucleotide bases, but in different patterns. DNA forms the building blocks of all living things, regardless of species.