

Do crystals grow faster on a sponge or on charcoal?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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13y ago

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they grow faster on charcoal

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Q: Do crystals grow faster on a sponge or on charcoal?
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How do crystals form on charcoal?

Several recipes for charcoal crystals are located at: They also have an explaination for how the crystals grow.

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sugar grew faster that all i know

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In presence of salt the crystals grow faster because the solubility of salt decreases the solubility of any other compound in water.

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Salt crystals form faster because they clump together, and they are more cubic so they are easier to grow. Sugar crystals, on the other hand, have more density than salt crystals so they take longer to grow.

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Salt is a more cubic element than sugar

Do salt crystals form faster than borax crystals?

Well it depends. But im currently growing salt, suagr and borax crystals and my borax crystals formed first. So i guess my answer is No, borax crystals grow faster but dont take my answer as a fact i could be wrong.

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Sugar crystals grow faster in tap water because there are more chemicals in tap water.

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