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Q: Do dead bodies ever come back to the living?
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cause they have upset by a person that is living in the house.

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They believe that the dead will come back to life and kill the living. A.K.A. Zombies :) Have a great day

How did the undertaker come back alive?

He is the living dead you see, his nickname is The DeadMan and you cannot kill someone who is already dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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tupac will never come back from the dead.

What come from bodies of dead organisms?

nutrients, salts and minerals.

What do Parsis people do to their dead bodies?

parsis do not burn or burry dead people.they dispose the bodies in the tower of silence where vulture come and eat their flesh.

Do maggots come from dead bodies?

only if you smell as bad as conor

What were 'Hitler's incinerators'?

They were the incinerators that he used to burn the bodies of 6000000 dead and living jews.

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Is there such thing as a snake that can come back to life?

No, if a rattlesnake is truly frozen, it is dead and can not come back to life.

Can dead flowers come back to life?

If they are dead no.

What is the relationship between living and dead organisms?

They meet and fall in love, then the dead organism leaves, making the iving one depressed, then they come back and fight with another living organism for the living organism they love. The dead one wins and they get married, then they have a half-dead baby and the living organism becomes a dead one and they all live happily ever after, including the other living organism because it falls in love with the half-dead baby.