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Yes, they do. These are the result of the hormone testosterone. Antlers are the most extreme example of male secondary characteristics known. Most deer lose them once a year. The times that this occurs varies with the species. They actually put a very large amount of energy into regrowing them.

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Q: Do deer antlers grow back if they lose them?
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Why do whitetail shed their antlers?

Yes. All species of deer lose their antlers and then grow back new bigger ones.

When do white tail deer lose their racks?

After the end of the rut, usually in winter. New antlers soon grow back.

Do coues deer lose their antlers?

=Yes, after the rut most males loose their antlers and they regrow them the next spring.=

Do deer antlers fall off?

yes all reindeer lose their antlers at this time of year and grow back round spring time

How long do bucks lose their antlers for?

Till they grow back

Can a female moose lose antlers?

No. Female or cow moose never grow antlers to begin with, thus they cannot lose them if they cannot grow them.

How does the deer lose the velvet off his antlers?

By rubbing them off trees bark or in the duel with another deer

What time do deer lose their antler in Wisconsin?

First of all deer do not lose their antlers but deer can lose them by fighting or when you shoot them hunters would cut them off so there is ur answer.

When do whitetail deer lose their antlers in the south?

After the rut, usually in January or February.

When do reindeer lose antlers?

All kinds of reindeer grow and lose their antlers: for old males they fall off in December, for young males in early spring, and for females in the summer.

Do mouse lose there antlers in the winter?

Yes because they have to use extra energy to use them. If they lose their antlers, the energy that is usually used to grow them can be used to survive without much food in the winter.

Why do moose have antlers?

Moose do regrow their antlers, but as they get older, they don't grow as big. Moose lose their antlers in the winter because they have to use extra energy to grow them. if they fall off, the energy that the moose uses in the summer to grow its antlers will be used to survive without much food.