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well if they do want to be whole vampires but dhampirs hunt vampires down not needing to be biten by a whole vampire that's all i know

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Q: Do dhampirs need to be bitten at birth to become whole vampires?
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Do you become 12 to be a full forged vampire?

No You always are a vampire current day vampires( such as I ) are how you say full fledged vampires at birth

Does Bella become a vampire or die giving birth?

After giving birth Edward turns Bella into a vampire which means she becomes a vampire and dies because vampires are dead.

Do dhampirs need to be bitten after birth or are they already vampires?

A Dhampir inherits the vampire potential from a vampire father. They are born with this condition, they do not need to be bitten to get it. The condition co-exists with them through-out their life they just have no need to employ it as they are already alive they have all the life-force they need. After they die then they have to commence stealing life-force in order to perpetuate their existence. A deadly sick Dhampir however may commence to steal life-force in order to save his life. This is a rare occurrence and is not much reported upon. Conceivably a Dhampir could boster his physical health and help himself recover from serious illness or injury by stealing life-force then recommence his ordinary life after he has recovered or healed.

What do vampires give birth to?

Vampire babies

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In theory, a dog could get rabies at birth. If the mother had rabies or if it was bitten right after birth.

Are Vampires in infertility?

Male vampires are fertile. The child of a male vampire is called a Dhampir. I have never heard of a female vampire giving birth.

Can female vampires give birth?

No, There bodies are frozen from the time they got bit.

Do Jasper and Alice really have a daughter?

No, they do not. They are both vampires, and once a female [Alice] has become a vampire, they can no longer conceive or give birth. This troubles both Esme (who, when human, had a baby boy who died) and Rosalie (who wanted children but never had them). Male vampires can make female humans pregnant (as is the case with Edward and Bella), but two vampires cannot have a baby. Alice does however have a niece (her sister Cynthia's daughter).

Sims 2 Can vampires give birth?

yes, but the baby will still be human. (boo!)

Can vampires have babies?

It has been well known since ancient times that a male vampire can father children with living women. The resulting child is known as a Dhampir and has certain heightened abilities and inclinations over the mortal child. These abilities are quite minor: heightened senses, a yen for blood etc. not at all the super-powers alluded to in modern fiction. In addition the Dhampir has the option of becoming a full vampire after his/her death without the intervention of a real vampire. Most such Dhampirs do not chose this option but make sure that they die in such a manner as to negate this possibility. Many Dhampirs in fact take up the profession of Vampire hunters such as Blade and Bloodrayven.There are no 'ancient' accounts of a female vampire giving birth. All such allusions are of recent origin and are in all probability fictional.Another Answer:Vampires, other than vampire bats, which are real, are mythological creatures. As such, most people believe that they do not exist.

Why is Bella's smell in Twilight liked by the vampires?

In Twilight, Bella's scent is liked by the vampires because she is a human. Vampires generally thirst for blood, but not the trustful Cullens. Even in the other books/movies, Bella's scent is demanded by the bad vampires, except at the end of the last book, Breaking Dawn, where Bella gets turned into a vampire by Edward Cullen because of the birth of their new daughter, Reneesmee.

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By Birth