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Q: Do diabetics make too much insulin true or false?
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Orange juice for diabetics?

You have not yet asked a question. When a person is diabetic, their body loses the ability to make insulin to balance their blood sugar, and may need to take insulin. If there is too much insulin, and their blood sugar is low, they may drink orange juice to quickly raise their blood sugar level.

What does insuline do for the body?

It regulates the blood glucose so you do not get too much "sugar" in your blood with food intake. It is naturally produced by the pancreas and is released in response to rising blood sugar levels. In diabetics, there is no (or not enough) production of insulin by the body or other problems with the endocrine system affecting the efficacy of the insulin and that is why diabetics take medication, including insulin, to treat their disease and regulate the blood sugar.

Are melons and watermelons not safe fruits for diabetic?

There are really no unsafe foods for diabetics, only unsafe levels of consumption. Diabetics must be conscious of what they eat and how much, especially of carbohydrate levels in the foods. If they are insulin dependent, they can compensate for the carbs. If they do not take insulin, they have to be more conscious and adjust how much they eat of what they eat. Food is not the enemy, the disease is not the enemy. There is no enemy. Only increased awareness.

Do diabetics eat more or less sugar?

It depends on whether you have type 1 or 2 diabetes. If you have type 1 then you will usually have a problem with your insulin levels. The insulin regulates your sugar and if you don't have enough of insulin, you willl probably have to eat sugar containing foods alot, because your sugar levels will tend to get low, however if you have too much insulin, you will probably need to eat less sugar containing foods. Most diabetics will have a little device to tell them when they're in need of sugar.

How common is celiac disease in people with diabetes?

People with insulin dependent diabetes (type I) have a much higher incidence of celiac disease. One source estimates that as many as one in 20 insulin-dependent diabetics may have celiac disease.

Why does insulin in the blood increase after meals?

Insulin controlls how the glucose injested is turned into fat. It also controls how much is removed to be turned into glycogen in the liver and muscles. It controls the amount of glucose transported to cells and respiration. Therefore, when we eat our pancreas supplies more insulin to be able to cope with the levels of sugar that we take in after meal times.Diabetics can produce too much insulin or too little insulin. Insulin injections need to be taken before meal times (consult a doctor) for diabetics in order to get the sugar to the cells. If the insulin is not administrated then the body will use reserves of glucose from the fat and muscles to respire and grow etc.

How does insulin effect blood sugar and how does this relate to type 1 and type 2 diabetes?

Insulin is the chemical released from the pancreas (in non-Diabetics) to lower blood sugar whenever we eat. Type 1 Diabetics are insulin dependent (need to inject themselves with insulin to stay at a healthy blood sugar level) and Type 2 Diabetics who don't necessarily look after themselves well may need to become insulin dependent.

IS the South Beach diet meal plan safe for diabetics?

South Beach diet meal plan is safe for diabetics. But like everyday diabetics have to make sure not to eat too much sugar even in a diet plan. It basically works like regular food for diabetics.

Is diet menu planning important for diabetes patients?

Yes. If diabetics intake too much sugar or carbohydrates their bodies do not produce insulin to break down the sugars of the foods. Diet planning is very important.

Will the Nutrisystem diabetic diet do any harm to diabetics?

No. And you're pretty much able to eat anything. You have to have enough insulin for your food, and you have to look at the carb count and weigh the food on the special scale. It shouldn't do harm.

Can you die from injecting insulin if you don't need it?

Yes. Insulin shock (an overdose of insulin) is a classic murder device even in Agatha Christie books, it is also a frequent problem with type 1 diabetics who do not have good sugar control or engage in strenuous exercise after injecting a normal dose of insulin for a sedentary period. With too much insulin in the blood the body rapidly uses up all the sugar available to it (hypoglycemia). The body uses sugar as fuel, without fuel the organs start to die. The first organ to be affected is the brain, later failures include breathing and heartbeat.

Why does diabetic shock occur?

Your body uses the sugars in food as fuel. When healthy, the body produces just enough insulin to digest the food you are eating, maintaining the proper blood sugar level to provide fuel for the cells in your body.In diabetes, your body no longer produces enough insulin, or is unable to make use of the insulin you have. Many times, diabetes can be treated with oral medication that make it easier for the body to use the insulin. But if you simply do not have enough, then you will need insulin injections. The injected insulin needs to be in balance with the sugar in your blood.If you inject too much insulin, or if it is injected improperly, then the new insulin can digest ALL of the sugar in the bloodstream too rapidly, using up all your fuel. Just like a car, when you run out of fuel, you stop. Insulin shock, when there is too much insulin and not enough sugar, can cause dizziness, fainting, coma, and even death.If you think you have had too much insulin and are running out of fuel, add more fuel in the form of sugar. One of the best fuels is orange juice, so diabetics who are insulin dependent ought to have some orange juice handy at all times.If someone faints and the cause may be insulin shock, call an ambulance immediately, or get the person to a hospital.