

Best Answer

Yes they help keep cholesterol down, minimize you chances for Diabetes, keep your heart healthy, and make your life expectancy increase.

There are good and bad factors, all depends on the diet.You can't have more of one thing and not enough of another.Everybody needs a variety.But goods foods and exercise you can't go wrong:)

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Q: Do diets help prevent health anything?
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What are good fatty foods?

Good fatty foods are low-fat diets that help you lose weight, manage cholesterol,and prevent health problems.

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There are many great diets to help a person and prevent them from overeating. Here are a few sites to checkout some diets .

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1 health condition that minerals can help prevent is tooth decay.BAM

Do low cholesterol diest work?

Yes, they are high fiber and low fat diets and do help with health.

Are there any diets out there gears toward health versus losing weight or exercising?

Just about any diet that is out there can be geared towards health. In fact, most diets are, they're just portrayed to help you lose weight so people are more apt to try them out over other diets.

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While there is no absolutely certain way to prevent the development of diverticula, it is believed that high-fiber diets are of help

What could you write in a leaflet about balanced diets?

If you wanted to write a leaflet about balanced diets, you could write how such diets have many benefits. They support overall good health, they help you to maintain your proper weight, and they provide your body with the things it needs to function.

What diets can help with hypoglycemia?

Foods high in rapidly absorbed sugars should be avoided. This diet can help prevent reactive hypoglycemia due to a sudden influx of glucose into the blood.

What 2 health habits can help prevent cancer?

There are many habits that can help prevent cancer. The most important ones are not smoking and getting plenty of exercise.

Benefits from coconuts?

Coconuts can help to improve heart health, help to prevent obesity and is high in dietary fiber.

Do low carb diets prevent stomach bloating?

Yes, low carb foods can help you to avoid stomach bloating if the cause is food (and it usually is).

what is a good diet to go on to lower my cholesterol?

There are many diets out there that can help lower your cholesterol, and most are good for you. But it is always best to check with your doctor to see which one they would recommend. You may have other underlying health issues that may prevent you from using one diet over another. one website that can help you to eat a little healthier to lower your cholesterol is