

Do dinosaurs have cell walls

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do dinosaurs have cell walls
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What is the cell walls function for a animal?

Animals do not have cell walls, animals cells with cell walls do not exist.

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Are cell walls found in animals?

No, cell walls are not found in animals. Animals have cell membranes instead of cell walls. Cell walls are rigid structures found in plant cells, bacteria, fungi, and some protists, providing structural support and protection for the cell.

How do the cell walls of fungi differ from the cell walls of plants?

They differ because fungus cell walls are made of chitin whereas plant's cell walls are made of cellulose

Does plants or animals have cell walls?

Plant cells have cell walls, animal cells don't have cell walls.

Do viper snakes have cell walls?

No animal has cell walls. Only plants and certain protists have cell walls.

What animal has a cell wall?

Plants have cell walls, there are no animals with cell walls.

What do cell walls do in a cell?

they protect the cell from damage. only plant calls have cell walls.

What are Cell walls job?

whats the cell walls job??

What does not have any cell walls I need an answer ASAP?

well i belive frogs do not have any cell walls. Amoeba have no cell walls.

What forces a cell membrane to cell walls?

i think it is the nucleus that forces the cell membrane to cell walls.

Do rocks have cell walls?

No. Cell walls are a characteristic of some living things. Rocks do not live and do not have cells. Therefore they do not have cell walls.