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They are as human as anyone else, so yes, they do. Their skeletons are like ours.

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Q: Do doctors have bones
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How do doctors repair broken bones?


How do doctors test your bones?

It is hard to know what is meant by "test" in this setting. A common "test" for bones is an xray.

What are the people who put the casts on broken bones called?


What doctors specialize in bones?

An orthopedic physician is a doctor that specializes in bones. Physical therapists also have some focus on bones as well as the muscles and movements.

What machine do doctors use to see bones?

X-Ray Machine.

What letters would be after a doctors name if he qualified in the bones in the body?


What type of electromagnetic radiation is used by doctors to see your bones?


What do doctors use to help heal fractured bones?

Milk. Milk has a vitamin called Vitamin D. That helps bones get strong.

What are the important injuries and infections of bones?

People who want to become Doctors spend years find out the answer to that question. Some Doctors specialise in order to get more detail on the answer

What are doctors for?

Doctors help people in need of medical attention, whether it involves broken bones or viruses. In some cases doctors will have to analyze a patent's symptoms, and give a diagnostic, and then later prescribe(give them) medicine.

Why do doctors advice elderly people to have calcium tablets?

doctors advice elderly people to have calcium tablets because their bones become weak and teeth starts falling.

How do doctors rebreak bones?

they take a small hammer and hit whatever bone they need as hard as the need with it