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sometimes, yes.

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Q: Do doctors have the right to inform parents about teens sexual activity and sexual diseases?
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Does a pharmacist have to inform parents that a minor has ask for pregnancy test?

It's not uncommon that they may, but they are not, by law, obligated to inform your parents if you're a minor.

Will dr automatically tell a patient if they are hiv positive?

Yes. All doctors in the United States are required to inform a patient who has tested positive for the HIV virus.

Explain whom to inform when the work activity is completed?

Usually you would inform the customer who asked you to do the work, or your boss, depending on the situation.

Can minors request doctors to withhold information from parents in nh?

Technically they can, though some may refuse. You can get a court order to have them withhold the information and legally they are bound not to. In my professional opinion you should just inform your parents about. If you are vehemently against it your doctor will most likely withhold it.

Are there women who have been told their baby is unhealthy by planned parenthood?

If parents have unhealthy babies I assume the doctor will inform them so they can treat the baby. PPL does not treat babies though, they treat men and women in pregnancies, cancer etc. If you by "baby" mean fetus it is a doctors duty to inform the parents if there is something wrong with it. That is what obstericians do when they examine a pregnant woman. Doesn't matter if it's on PPL or a hospital.

Who is responsibility is it to inform parents of their child's obesity?


Is it necessary to inform parents if you are a Bigender?

It is not legally necessary to inform your parents if you are bi-gender. However, it would be a good idea, it can be difficult to keep a big secret, especially from those who are closest to you.

You just found out your 16 year old is pregnant from her ex-boyfriend who is 19 should you inform his parents?

Well, you should accompany your daughter and the boyfriend to his parents and let them tell them, and inform his parents that you do not plan on being the only grandparent involved.....

Who should you inform when the work activity has been completed?

your supervisor or manager are the best persons to report to.

How do you inform your parents about an online relationship?

just say that you met this person and see if they approve

What is the proper wording for a letter to other doctors in the community to inform of two doctors moving into the same location.?

Just be happy having two doctors in one community. So this way, if we are sick, we can visit a doctor and see what is wrong and if we can fix it.

How can someone get their blood type?

You are born with a certain blood type based on genes inherited from your parents and there is no way to influence your type. A simple blood test can inform you what your blood type is and this test can be performed at any doctors office, medical lab or blood donation site.