

Do dolphins breathe like fish

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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No they are mammals. they have to surface and breathe in a gulp of air and dive back dow. they are just like whales sorta.

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Q: Do dolphins breathe like fish
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Where does a dolphin breathe?

Dolphins have lungs, no gills. Despite being shaped like fish, and live in the ocean, dolphins are mammals. They breathe pretty much like you and I.

Why can't dolphins breathe underwater?

dolphins are mammals, not fish. They have lungs, not gills, and breathe air.

Is a dolphins a fish or a mammal and how do you know?

Dolphines are mammals which are closely related to whales. They don't breathe like fish, that's why.

How do sharks and dolphins breathe under water?

Sharks are fish, and breathe with gills. Dolphins are mammals, breathe with lungs, and can't breathe underwater. They breath at the surface, then hold their breath - which they're really good at - while diving.

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there are couple things that they do have in common lie they both breathe air and most bids eat fish just like dolphins

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they can breathe and survive underwater.

Do dolphins just survive by being underwater?

Dolphins must go to the surface, because they breathe air. Dolphins are mammals, not fish.

What is the difference between a fish and a dolphins breathing?

Most fish always have to stay in water. Dolphins come up to the ocean surface for a breath of hair. Dolphins breathe through their blowhole.

What kind of fish do dolphins look like?

Dolphins look like dolphins and why would they look like a fish when they are a mammal?

Is a shark an amphibian?

Although there are fish called dolphins, the dolphins more commonly referred to are cetaceans (a kind of ocean dwelling mammal), that are related to porpoises and whales. Neither kind of dolphin is an amphibian. While amphibians breathe under water or on land, fish breathe best under water while mammals breathe the air.

Are dolphins fish if no then what in the world are they?

They're not fish for a variety of reasons, mostly due to the fact that they breathe air like whales and us. They're mammals belonging to the Delphinidae family.

What animals breath through gills?

Most fish do... unlike the betta fish they can breathe water and air. Dolphins and whales are an example of ones that breathe only air. Sharks, gold fish and other fish have to breathe water.