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Q: Do dolphins have oil on their skin?
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What is the body covering of bottlenose dolphins made of?

All species of dolphins have a body covering of skin (not scales). All mammals have a covering of skin, usually combined with hair. In the case of the dolphin, the uppermost layer of the skin produces an oil which forms a film that covers the dolphin's whole body.

What is the skin texture of a dolphin?

All species of dolphins have a body covering of skin (not scales). All mammals have a covering of skin, usually combined with hair in some form. In the case of the dolphin, the uppermost layer of the skin produces an oil which forms a film that covers the dolphin's whole body.

What is the body covering of a spotted dolphin?

Dolphins have a body covering of skin (not scales). The uppermost layer of the skin produces an oil which forms a film that covers the dolphin's whole body.

Do dolphins have scaly skin?

No they do not. Their skin is very smooth.

What is a dolphins skin color?

it is gray

What do dolphins have under their skin that helps hold in their body heat?

Dolphins have blubber under their skin, that helps hold in their body heat.

How are dolphins in the oil spill?

dolphins are dying because the oil in the water is clogging up their lungs so they are suffocating.

How did the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico affect dolphins?

how would the oil spill in gulf Mexico affect the dolphins.

Do dolphins skin make them swim fast?


What happens to the dolphins skin on land?


What is a dolphin skin made?

cells of dolphins

What type of skin do dolphins have?

Really sensitive skin that is really rubbery and smooth.