

What is a dolphins skin color?

Updated: 12/17/2022
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11y ago

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it is gray

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Q: What is a dolphins skin color?
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Related questions

What color are dophins skin?

Dolphins have lots of different types of skin color. They are usually gray, but can be spotted or striped, bluish, white, and even pink!

Why are there pink dolphins?

The Chinese White Dolphin can have a pink color. This tint is due to the proximity of blood vessels to the skin surface of the dolphins.

What colour are pink dolphins?

Albino. The pink color comes from the blood vessels at the surface of their skin.

What are some key features about dolphins?

there skin color helps them with camouflage from other animals ,smooth skin that helps them swim faster , send signals to communicate with each other

Do bottlenose dolphins skin colour change during the year?

no they dont but i do know that the color is gray and then fading into white toward its belly.

Do dolphins have scaly skin?

No they do not. Their skin is very smooth.

What is a dolphins colors and markings?

a dolphins color is gray

What do dolphins have under their skin that helps hold in their body heat?

Dolphins have blubber under their skin, that helps hold in their body heat.

Do dolphins skin make them swim fast?


What happens to the dolphins skin on land?


What is a dolphin skin made?

cells of dolphins

Do Dolphins color change at all?

No, dolphins may not change colours at all.