

Best Answer

Yes, they are. They are much more powerful than humans, I assure you.

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Q: Do dolphins swim fast fast and why?
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Do dolphins swim fast?

Dolphin swim fast so they can catch there prey

Do dolphins skin make them swim fast?


How fast do dolphins swim 100 meters?

i dont no

Why do dolphins swim fast?

So that they can escape predators.

How fast are bottlenose dolphins?

Bottlenose dolphins can swim around speeds of 20-25 mph

Do dolphins have to swim super fast to catch prey?

No they go when they need to.

What do dolphins do?


Are there places to swim with dolphins in NJ?

Avon in Monmouth County, New Jersey has had sighting of dolphins. A swimmer could swim in the sea there to swim with the dolphins.

Are you allowed to swim with dolphins at curious cove?

Are we allowed to swim with dolphins at curious Cove

Why do dolphins swim in a group?

dolphins swim in pods to protect themselves and to catch food

What does in mean when dolphins swim close to shore?

What dose it mean when dolphins swim to shore

How deep can average dolphins swim?

Dolphins can swim up to 260 miles below the surface.