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In a typical rock band:

Rhythm section = drums / percussion / bass

Melody section = vocals / guitar / keyboard (occasionally bass)

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Q: Do drummers play melody or rhythms?
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What is musical smart?

Having rhythm and melody intelligence, Having the ability to appreciate, perceive, and produce rhythms and keep time to music.

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How do reggae drummers perform strong rhythms?

Shuffle with accent on the off beat. Slow 90-110 bpm.

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It can play the melody, melody drone, a drone and a rhythm. This is becaus it is said that it is very similar to the human voice - which means that basically, it can do what we can do!

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"Melody" is the tune of the song. There are melody notes and harmony notes (generally the chords). If you want to play only the melody, you will be playing a single line - one note at a time. If you're still unsure of what the melody is, think to yourself: "What part of the song would I sing or hum?" That's the melody.

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What is the basic rhythmic pattern that provides the foundation for the complex rhythms played by multiple drums?

The melody controls the feel which dictates the rythms of the accompaniment.

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What is musicality in dance?

musicality in dance is dancing to rhythms/ melody in the dance, say if there was a drum and you could nod your head in time with the drum that means you have good musicality

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If Yu Can Count To 4 there Is No Age Limit

What is the think system in the music man?

The think system is if you think about the melody and you hum the melody, when you are presented with an instrument, you will be able to play the melody.