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ya the push and pull it until it bursts and spews out of the nose

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Q: Do egyptians use a metal rod to take a brain out of a dead person?
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Why was the brain not preserved?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart contained the soul of the dead person, and would be needed in the afterlife. But the brain was not considered to be important and was usually thrown away, with other internal organs.

Why was the Brain preserved?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart contained the soul of the dead person, and would be needed in the afterlife. But the brain was not considered to be important and was usually thrown away, with other internal organs.

Why did the Egyptians not want the body to decay?

The Egyptians believed that a dead person's body must not decay. Other a person could not enjoy the afterlife.

What did the Egyptians do with the dead person's brain?

They would take it out with a long hook that went up through their nose. They would throw it away, because they didn't know what it was for. They thought that they thought with their heart.

Can a dead person produce tears?

Crying is a response to an emotion or an emotional state which is triggered by the brain in reaction to something. Since the brain of a dead person is not functioning, no, a dead person cannot cry.

What did the Egyptians consider more important the Herat or the brain?

The heart. When embalming a dead body, the heart would also be embalmed, but the brain would be discarded.

What did Egyptians do with the dead person's brain?

Egyptains took the brain out of the persons dead body with a hook that they put into the nose and took it out peice by peice. they thought that it was not important for yor body and they left the heart in becuae they thought that IT was the most important part so they left it in and took the other organs out and just threw them away.

Are there such things as mummies?

yes. the Egyptians wide the dead person by the thing like paper to preserve the dead person. that was call mummy ------------- nah they are just a figment of ur imagination...i'm sure egyptians would agree with this!

Can a brain dead person produce tears?

Brain dead person can produce tears, if his reflex arc related to tears is intact. Anything irritating to eyes will produce the tears in the eyes of such person.

Why was the mummies brains not preserved?

The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart contained the soul of the dead person, and would be needed in the afterlife. But the brain was not considered to be important and was usually thrown away, with other internal organs.

How was the brain removed from a dead person?

it was removed through their nostrils

How do you confirm that a person is dead?

Do an EEG and check for brain activity.