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Those two descriptions are not mutually exclusive,

and in fact, electromagnetic waves do both.

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Q: Do electromagnetic waves carry energy or travel through empty space?
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What forms of electromagnetic energy carry most of the energy of the sun to earth?

It is radiated electromagnetic energy, the only sort that can travel through space.

What do waves carry as they move?

mechanical waves carry mechanical energy and electromagnetic waves carry electromagnetic energy.

What kind of wave carries energy?

mechanical waves carry mechanical energy and electromagnetic waves carry electromagnetic energy.

Why can electromagnetic waves travel through space and not sound waves?

Sound waves need a physical material to carry them, but electromagnetic waves don't.

Electromagnetic waves dont carry any matter what do they carry?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy, not matter.

Why can heat radiation travel through a vacuum?

Becasue heat radiation(Infra-red) is part of the electromagnetic spectrum. All waves in the electromagnetic spectrum(e.g light, radio waves) don't need particles(mass) to carry energy.

What are disturbances that carry energy through matter?

These disturbances are known as "waves". Examples include compression waves in air or other media (i.e., sound), and electromagnetic waves, which can travel both through matter and through empty space.

What carries energy through empty space and through matter?

Electromagnetic waves carry energy through matter and empty space. They consist of two transverse waves - one is the magnetic field and one is the electric field - which travel perpendicular to the direction that the wave is moving.

What do waves do not require to carry energy?

Radiation, or electromagnetic waves do not require matter to carry energy.

Did waves carries energy?

most kinds of waves need something to travel through. Water waves, for example, travel along the surface of the water. A wave can even travel along a rope. Gases (such as air), liquids (such as water), and solids (such as rope) , all act as mediums. Waves that require a medium through which travel are called mechanical waves.Some waves do not require a medium to travel through. Light can travel and carry energy through empty space. Waves that can travel without a medium are called electromagnetic waves. :)

Why cant sound waves travel through a vaccuum?

No medium to carry the sound energy.

Would an electromagnetic pulse work in space?

Of course. It's generally known by virtually everyone that electromagnetic waves carry energy just fine through empty space.