

Do elephant seals live underwater

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Elephant Seals do not live underwater because they are mammals and need to breath! Just like us, they have fat to keep them warm in the Sub-antarctic climate

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Q: Do elephant seals live underwater
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Do elephant seals have eggs or live babies?

When it comes to birth, elephant seals are perfectly normal mammals, with live births.

What continent does an elephant seal live in?

Elephant Seals are found in Antarctica.

What kinds of animals live in the antarctic?

Squids and the antarctic toothfish live in the waters of the antarctic penguins, seals, elephant seals, and many other.

Why are elephant seals are gray?

Because elephant seals are gray.

Why do seals swim?

Seals dive for fish underwater, some might sleep underwater. But 6 types of seals live in antarctica! Seals breath air but do spend a lot of time underwater holding their breath. Sometime seals prefer to breath the air trapped under the ice then come to the surface. They would live mostly in the cold area because they have blubber fur.

What eats elephant seals?

Killer wales eat elephant seals

What animals live near Davis station?

Emperor penguins, Adelie penguins, flying birds, Elephant seals, Weddell seals and Leopard seals

Why are elephant seals called elephant seals?

They are called elephant seals because they have long noses like a regular elephant.

Do elephant seal live in Alaska?

Yes, Northern Elephant seals migrate to Alaska to feed.

What is the difference beteen seals and people?

People don't swim underwater and live on raw fish.

How long do snow seals live?

Northern elephant seals have a short lifespan of nine years in the wild. Ringed and gray seals typically live up to 40 years. Leopard seals generally live up to 15 years. A southern elephant seal's average lifespan ranges from 20 to 22 years. Fur, Hawaiian monk, harp and Weddell seals live up to 30 years.

What is the height of southern elephant seals?

The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6" The height of southern and northern elephant seals are around 6' to 6' 6"