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Q: Do emails have to be opened in order to burn?
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Why won't Yahoo Mail let you open individual emails?

There is no reason that Yahoo! mail won't let a person open individual emails. When Yahoo! mail is opened, each email can be clicked individually for it to be opened.

Do you need a landline to sent emails?

No. You just need an internet connection in order to send emails.

How can I stop spam emails?

There are programs that you can download in order to prevent spam emails. They can keep your inbox clean.

Is an opened email stored in your personal computer?

No - emails remain on the ISP's server unless you either delete them or save them to your own computer.

If my ex-girlfriend's family is harassing me through emails can i ask for a rotective order?

Maybe. Probably easier to just not open their emails.

Rockets need to have what in order to burn fuel?

They need petroleum in order to burn the fuel.

How do you stop unwanted emails from fling and seekbang?

In order to stop unwanted emails from fling and seekbang you should ensure that you are not subscribed to their mailing list. Additionally, you can block the addresses as such no emails would be allowed.

How do you know if your sent emails get read?

Some email clients offer Email Receipts. If you are using this, you will receive notification that the email has been opened.

What are 3 good reasons why sending emails is better?

Better than snail mail? Emails are faster (pretty much instant), cannot be lost via mishandling at the post office, and (in theory) cannot be opened by anyone other than the intended recipient.

Do I need a smartphone in order to receive emails on my cell phone?

You can receive emails on a normal cell phone if it your provider says that it has the capability to do so. However, you will most likely not be able to view any attachments or photos that are sent to you in emails.

How do you send emails to address removed?

You cannot send emails to an email address (account) that has been removed. In order to send an email, the recipient has to have a working email account.

Do you have to exercise right after you eat in order to burn the calories or can you burn them off later in the day?

You can burn them of later- but don't forget!:-)