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No. Stem cells are diploid just like any other body cell.

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Q: Do embryonic stem cells contain half the number of chromosomes found in a zygote?
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What is the number of chromosomes in the zygote if the parent's reproductive cells or gametes contain 12 chromosomes each?

It will be 24 in the zygote since zygote is diploid cell and gametes are haploid.

How many chromosomes human zygote possess?

46 23 from each parent...unless there is a mutation. Hi sorry to but in, but i was just wondering. If a human zygote contains 46 chromosomes and then total chromosomes they have is 46. Then if a mouse has 40 chromosomes would it's zygote be 40 as well? I have Biology homework and i was just wondering. Thanks!

How many Chromosomes does the zygote contain?

46 I think

Normal mice gametes 20 chromosomes. how many chromosomes do normal mice zygotes contain?

The answer is 40

Does a zygote have double or triple the number of chromosomes that a gamete has?

A zygote has twice the amount of chromosomes as a gamete.

How mice gametes contain 20 chromosomes. How many chromosome do normal mice zygotes contain?

Since the gametes contain one half the number, the zygote will have to have the full number of 40.

How many chromosomes does the egg cell of a fruit fly have?

A zygote is formed from the union of two gametes. The number of chromosomes differs from different species, but in humans, there are 46 chromosomes. 23 from the male gamete and 23 from the female gamete.

When gametes combine to form a zygote the chromosomes number of the zygote is now referred to as?

diploid is what the total number of chromosomes in an organism is

What might happen if human chromosomes did not separate?

well if human chromosomes number 21 does not separate during fertilization the baby will be with down syndrome. at fertilization of the egg with a normal sperm the zygote contain three chromosome number 21 (trizomic 21) hence the zygote contain 47 chromosome instead of 46.

Where are the chromosomes in the zygote?

chromosomes are present in the nucleus of zygote.

Describe what happens to the number of chromosomes when two grasshopper sex cells join to fertilization?

2n. Given that the sperm has (n) number of chromosomes, and the egg has (n) number of chromosomes, then the zygote will contain (2n) number of chromosomes. For example, a sperm cell of a human contains 23 chromosomes. The egg cell also contains 23 chromosomes. After they join, the resulting zygote will contain 46 chromosomes.

How does the number of chromosomes in a zygote compare with the number of chromosomes in a body cell?

Double.Each gamete (sex cell) has one copy of each chromosome. Somatic (body) cells have 2 copies.