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They have the potential to grow into a human being.

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Q: Do embryonic stem cells represent a human life?
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Why do researches prefer to use embryonic stem cells instead of adult?

Because the (human) embryos are frozen and they are readily available and will be destroyed if not implanted in a womb of a potential mother. Unfortunately, people see the frozen embryonic cell as an opportunity to do science. Some researchers feel that throwing out frozen embryonic cells is a waste. A scientist goal is to improve the value of human life by finding a value in the human embryonic cell. It would be like using a person, without permission, to make another person either get better or live longer. The moral problem is that it takes the life of another human to gain the advantage for a supposedly superior being. Another reason is because of the promise of embryonic stem cells is just to consuming to a research scientist. They can make a lot of money, and cure some serious diseases by using the embryonic stem cell. Another reason is that the federal funds to do the research have been available since 2008. If the government sponsors this type of research, then more scientists will use the government (USA) money to keep their projects funded. It is important to know that even though initial tests in embryonic stem cells looked promising, more can also be done with adult stem cells, without harming the potential for human life. Also, so called hybrid-stem cells that can be reverted back to stem cell status from an adult stem cell has made big progress in 2011-12. Both hybrid and adult stem cell research can be done without hurting the potential for life.

Why is there controversy about using embryonic stem cells?

Pene grande

What religious views are there on a fetus?

The congregate view of all religions is that a fetus is the embryonic stage of a human life.

Why is stem cells research bad?

Many scientists and people say that embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure many diseases, such as cancer. On the contrary, many other people are discomforted by the idea of destroying human embyos for a scientific purpose. They argue that life begins at conception, and that no person has the right to kill any form of human life. Many people believe that only God gives life, and only God should take it.

Is there a difference between the stem cell debate and the embryonic stem cell debate?

Yes. Embryonic stem cells are controversial due to the destruction needed of a fetus. The debate over this is whether the unborn child has a right to life. (Embyonic stem cell debate). However, there are adult stem cells that come from adults. Scientists have been able to get these adult stem to replicate embryonic stem cell properties, and depending on who you ask, the adult stem cells have proven more useful than embryonic stem cells. Since adult stem cells do not destroy anybody, there is nearly non-existant debate with this.

Why we shouldn't use embryonic stem cells?

Many scientists and people say that embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure many diseases, such as cancer. On the contrary, many other people are discomforted by the idea of destroying human embyos for a scientific purpose. They argue that life begins at conception, and that no person has the right to kill any form of human life. Many people believe that only God gives life, and only God should take it.

What is the use of stem cells?

The controversy surrounding embryonic stem cell research is similar to that surrounding the arguments about pro choice. There are those who view conception as the beginning of life. They believe embryos to be human life. Therefore, some consider using embryonic stem cells for research as murder in much the same way as those opposed to abortion view that procedure as murder. Arguments in favor of stem cell research point out that embryos are not viable outside the mother's body. That's why they have to be frozen. Human beings can't be frozen, so how can embryos be human beings? Undoubtedly, the controversy will exist for quite some time.

What do you think is the reason why some people are against stem cell research?

The primary reason and most important reason is that some people are scientifically illiterate. They don't understand the science behind the research and they do not have even the basic education to begin to understand it. They don't even try to understand it and they let others try to explain it to them but those people often have some sort of agenda. Science itself is not good or bad, it is what is done with it. If all of society doesn't what to use this knowledge, a least we all have made the decision not just a handful. There are two methods of stem cell research. 1. Embryonic stem cell and 2. Adult stem cell. There is not somuch opposition of manipulating the stem cells from adult cells. On the other hand, Embryonic stem cell research involves the value of life. Thus the main issue for embryonic stem cell research is whether potential embryonic life should be treated with honor and human dignity. Which itself is only a religious viewpoint and not science fact.

Why is the use of embryonic stem cell controversial?

Pene grande

What is the function of a human spleen?

to remove dead and old rbc they also are the organ involved in immunity they help in hematopoiessis in embryonic life

What do cells do to help the human body?

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