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Q: Do employee think that the customer is an important part of their job?
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Why do you follow-up all customer queries and why is it important?

Following up with your customer, once you've made a sale, is an important part of providing good customer service. Not only is it an important part of developing a good relationship with your customer, but it will also enable you to introduce your new products.

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customer relations

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I dont think you can..?

What do you feel about employee development?

Employee development is very important. It is the willingness to grow and become a part of something, rather than another cubicle, or paycheck.

What is the most important part of a sales associate job?

provide good customer service

What part do you play in delivering customer service?

Whether on the front line, management etc you play an important role in the organization. However small your position you are key within a company. It's employees are essential to the business, your part in customer service is basically to keep the customer happy and to deliver the best service that you and your team can provide. If you work in retail and other sectors in which customers are the main focus, customer service is your main priority to maintain. You make sure the customer is taken care of, is getting good quality and make sure that you are doing your best to provide them with a great overall experience. The part you play is a representative of the company, what you do effects the business in more ways than one, their image, their goals everything that you do effects the company, you are basically the image of the company as their employee you take on a role and the responsibilities that come with being an employee with that organisation.

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Why is it important to establish relationship with customer?

Because customer are the part of the business and they doesn't want them to go away but instaed trying to get more customer via existing customer with the reaction of having good relationship with customer so that they can spread it between other people to be a customer. Its kind of business policy and principle.

Why is customer service skills so important in todays job market?

Many jobs and careers require some form of contact with those in a customer role. Being able to handle that contact is usually an important part of those jobs; arguably the most important.

How does autonomy motivate employees?

Autonomy is a very important part of job enrichment because it gives the employee power and a feeling of importance.

Why do you think the parish church is an important part of the community?

why do think this is ..??..LOL..:P bye!

What is the dormant function between advertising and public relations?

In marketing advertisment it is important to show the potential customer/client how the product will be of benefit to them. In Public Relations, which I think is actually a part of the same package, it is important to show the use, purchasing ease, investment opportunities and employment opportunities