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Q: Do energy drinks cause false positives for methamphetamine?
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Can too many energy drinks cause a false positive for pcp?

To the best of my knowledge, energy drinks cannot cause false positives for PCP.

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i do believe energy drinks do cause gallstones.

How can methamphetamine show up in your system if i don't smoke meth?

Methamphetamine can be detected in a drug test even if one does not smoke/abuse meth. One way this is possible is that methamphetamine was ingested in another way, such as orally in the form of prescription pills (Desoxyn is a prescription form of methamphetamine hydrochloride). Certain decongestant inhalers also contain an isomer of methamphetamine. Though this compound lacks the abuse potential of its enantiomer (non-superimposable mirror-image molecule), it may still show up as 'meth' on a drug test. Finally, other medications can also cause false positives for methamphetamine on certain tests. If one test gives a positive result, more advanced tests can be used to distinguish between positive results and false positives. If one has used the aforementioned products which contain methamphetamine, this should be brought to the attention of the test administrator.

Can energe drinks cause breathing problems?

Yes. High doses of caffeine can cause breathing problems, especially in the young. Children under 16 should avoid energy drinks.

If you wake up shaking after drinking energy drinks what is it?

Energy drinks are mostly caffeine. Caffeine, especially in high doses, can cause shaking, tremors, high blood pressure, stomach upset, and even heart attack if you have too much. Cut back on your energy drinks.

What ingredient causes nosebleeds in energy drinks?

I believe it is the 'ginseng' that has the most violent side effects on the energy drink users, the energy drinks that contain 'ginseng', have far too high a concentration of ginseng and this can cause; nausea, headaches, diarrhea, chest pains and the one that we are interested in, changes in blood-pressure which can and do cause nose-bleeds. i hope that helpz. for further info about the pro'z n' con'z of energy drinks see my article, called;Energy Drinks - Fact's & Fiction at jakkadan

Can energy drinks cause heartburn?

Yes!! They definitely can! Do not drink too much of them they are so bad for you

How do you test energy in drinks?

You don't. Energy drinks contains ingredients that are known to cause certain effects in humans and energy drinks make their claims based on the effects of those chemicals. If there were a way to quantify, numerically measure, the actual added "energy", most of these so-called energy drink companies would go out of business for selling a lie.

Are enzymes used in energy drinks?

No they are not used in energy drinks because i like normal drinks like orange name is josh walker and i love boys