

Do energy efficient light bulbs cause cancer?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Do energy efficient light bulbs cause cancer?
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The watts because if you put a bulb that is in to much higher wattage than the one that you are chagning then it can cause too many problems and you can have a big piwer outage in you home

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There is the an electronic circuit with a lot of Diode, Capacitor, Resistance and many other components, which use to make the bulb more efficient and help to save the energy. Because in regular bulb there is only a wire which is directly connect to the supply that's why the resistance is high and this is the cause of energy wasting, so we use the electronic circuit to save the electrical energy and to make a high efficiency devices.

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i think they are not cause if they were they would be for real.

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I'm suprised there hasn't been more of a response to this question. On the 30th August 2009, a Europe-wide ban on traditional incandescent bulbs began its roll out, starting with a ban on 100W bulbs and old-style frosted or pearled bulbs. So, IF these bulbs trigger migraines, then there's going to be tears before bedtime, isn't there?

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