

Do every cactuses grow flowers

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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No, not all cactus es grow flowers.

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Q: Do every cactuses grow flowers
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Is there cactuses in islands?

I actually think it's cacti... Considering that 'cactuses' isn't a word. Also, I do think cacti can grow on islands. I don't know if you know this but there is such thing as the Galapagos Cactus, that grows on the Galapagos Islands!

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What is the duration of Cactuses?

The duration of Cactuses is 1.55 hours.

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No plants or flowers will grow in gravel , they need soil to grow.

When you finshed growing the flowers what happens moshi monsters?

once you grow the flowers you Waite till a moshling nibbles on your flower. Every day check on the flowers and soon in about 2-3 days a moshling will appear!