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It depeneds on the famer.Sometimes when wolves get really hungery and no food is in their teritory but,a farm is,a wolf will eat a few sheep or a cow or even a pig.Some farmers are animal activists and and like them around.Some farmers like them because Coyotes live around the same area and kinda help to keep the Coyotes off the chickens.But,it is all a matter of opintion really.

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Q: Do farmers like wolves
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Why do humans want to kill wolves?

Wolves used to eat the crops of farmers and farmers didn't like it, so they killed wolves that came to they're farms

How do gray wolves and farmers get along?

Living on a farm with wolves is extremely hard. Most often a farmer will kill the wolf or atleast try or try to get sombody to kill it for them because its a threat to humans,pets and calving cattle exspecially in calving seasongray wolves and farmers get alng because gray wolves help keep the rabbits from eating the farmers crops.=)answerusually grey wolves and farmers DO NOT get on, as wolves very rarely, but sometimes go near livestock and may kill it. Farmers often shoot wolves, even if they are just NEAR their cattle. I don't know, maybe there is a farmer out there who does like wolves. I have not met him yet.

What are the wolves main enemies?

wolves main enemies are hunters , farmers , greater wolf packs , mysterious storms,and wild animals like bears and lions (red wolves)

Why do farmers think wolves are so bad?

because they thought that the wolves were hurting theirlivstock and they were afraid that the wolves would come after them.

Does beavers have enemies?

Farmers, wolves, coyotes, bobcats.

What are the issues that the farmers would have with wolves?

they could get eaten

What are wolves emimies?

The wolves enimies are the bears, farmers, hunters, ravens, and other humans that want to do harm.

Why do farmers hate wolves?

because they kill there live stock and their animals

Do farmers need commercial fencing supplies?

Farmers need commercial fencing supplies to keep their stock from running away or into traffic. It also keeps other predators, like coyotes and wolves, from entering their pastures.

How did the wolves get bad reputations?

They would attack livestock, which farmers didn't appreciate.

Why do farmers hang the bodies of dead animals from fences?

Farmers hang snakes and turtles to warn neighbors. They hang possums and coons to feed the carrion. They hang coyotes and wolves to ward off other coyotes and wolves.

What complaints did ranchers and farmers make about sheep?

Ranchers hate wolves because wolves eat their cattle and livestock(which they need to make a living)