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yes they do

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Q: Do female ball pythons lay eggs every year?
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Related questions

Do ball pythons have live birth?

No, pythons lay eggs.

Does python lays eggs?

yes ball pythons lay eggs.

Do ball pythons lay eggs or have live birth?

They lay eggs.

Do pythons lay eggs?


What does female pythons do after she lays her eggs?

she coils around them until they hatch

Do pythons lay eggs out of their mouth?

No, pythons do not lay eggs out of their mouth.

Is the burmese pythons born live or do they hach from eggs?

Burmese Pythons, like all Pythons, hatch from eggs. Boas do not lay eggs

How many babies can a Ball Python have?

Ball pythons usually lay between 4-8 eggs during one pregnancy.

What eats platypus eggs?

Pythons and goannas eat platypus eggs. The female platypus will actually place earthen plugs along the length of her burrow before the chamber which holds the eggs, in order to deter such predators.

When pythons lay babies they lay them alive or eggs?

Pythons don't give live birth like garters. Pythons lay eggs and lots of them. They may lay up to 50 or more eggs. I wish you good luck.

How do pythons keep their eggs warm?

They sit on it.

Do ball pythons get pregnant?

Yes - A female Royal (ball) Python will get aggressive - because the developing eggs inside her can put pressure on her internal organs - causing discomfort. Especially if you try to handle her her before she's laid the eggs.