


Pythons are a family of non-venomous snakes that are native to Africa, Asia and Australia. Pythons are ambush predators that use constriction to kill their prey. Unlike female boas, female pythons lay eggs. Pythons are hunted for their skin, which is used, like leather, to make shoes, handbags and other fashion accessories. Questions about pythons can be directed here.

1,171 Questions

What does python regius mean?

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Python regius is the scientific name for the ball python, a nonvenomous snake species native to Africa. They are known for their docile nature, modest size, and distinctive coloration patterns that vary among individuals. Ball pythons are popular in the pet trade due to their manageable size and gentle demeanor.

Why Burmese pythons wanted for?

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Burmese pythons are wanted for their popularity as exotic pets, their use in the fashion industry for leather products, and their skins being used in traditional medicine. This has led to their capture and illegal trade in various countries, causing disruptions in local ecosystems and endangering native species.

How do you take care of ball python in the winter?

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During the winter, ensure that the ball python's enclosure remains at the appropriate temperature (around 75-80°F on the cool side and 85-90°F on the warm side). Monitor humidity levels to prevent dehydration. Offer fresh water and regulate feeding based on the snake's activity level, as they may eat less during the winter due to decreased metabolism.

What plants convert carbon dioxide into oxygen?

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Plants, such as trees, grasses, and algae, use a process called photosynthesis to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil, and use sunlight to produce oxygen as a byproduct. This process is essential for balancing the levels of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

What are the plants called which fix carbon dioxide?

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"fix" carbon dioxide?

If turning CO2 into oxygen is what you meant.

They are called plants. Better go with the green ones.

They use light, CO2 and H2O as food and ends up producing O2 or oxygen.

What is a plant's source of carbon dioxide how does carbon dioxide enter the leaf?

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A plant's source of carbon dioxide is the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide enters the leaf through small openings called stomata, which are primarily located on the underside of the leaf. Once inside the leaf, carbon dioxide is used in the process of photosynthesis to produce sugars and oxygen.

What is the largest breed of snake in the world?

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The reticulated python (Python reticulatus) holds the title for the longest snake species, with individuals reaching lengths of over 20 feet. They are found in Southeast Asia and are known for their impressive size and beautiful patterned scales.

DO ball pythons breed if they are left together?

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Yes, ball pythons can breed if left together. It is important to carefully monitor the interaction between the snakes, as breeding behavior can be aggressive and may result in injury. Proper breeding protocols should be followed to ensure the health and safety of the snakes.

Plant cells need carbon dioxide which is used for?

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Plant cells need carbon dioxide for photosynthesis, a process in which they convert carbon dioxide into glucose using light energy. Glucose is the main energy source for plant cells and is essential for their growth and development.

What impact has the Burmese Python had on Floridas wildlife?

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Asked by Lilyofthevalley

Burmese pythons in Florida have had a significant impact on native wildlife populations by preying on a wide range of species, including mammals, birds, and reptiles. Their presence has been linked to declines in native species and disruptions to the natural ecosystem. Efforts to control their population and mitigate their impacts continue.

Can ball pythons be charmed by music?

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Ball pythons do not have the ability to appreciate or be charmed by music in the same way humans do. They do not have external ears and their auditory capabilities are limited to low-frequency vibrations. They are generally not affected by music.

Where does the plant get carbon dioxide from?

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It's in the air and we exhale carbon dioxide.

A small percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is released by the metabolic processes of organisms, and by our burning of fuels. In recent decades, the amount of carbon dioxide has increased so much, some scientists believe maintaining the current amount of carbon dioxide will devastate Earth's climate. Actually, today there were festivals held all over the world to make people aware of this issue. See

How much crushing force does a ball python have?

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A ball python's bite can exert pressure up to 1200 pounds per square inch, which is enough to kill their prey through constriction or suffocation.

What is the difference between a female Burmese an male Burmese?

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Female Burmese cats tend to be smaller and lighter in weight compared to male Burmese cats. Males typically have larger faces and overall size. Additionally, males may be more vocal compared to females.

Do red tail boas have teeth?

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Yes, red tail boas have teeth. They have small, sharp teeth that help them grip onto their prey when they strike. Boas are non-venomous constrictors, and they rely on their teeth and powerful muscles to subdue their prey.

What is the average weight of a reticulated python at breeding age?

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The average weight of a male reticulated python at breeding age is around 60-70 pounds, while females can weigh between 100-150 pounds. However, the weight can vary depending on the individual and its specific genetics, diet, and care.

How many different species of green tree snake are there?

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There are several species of green tree snakes, belonging to different genera. Some common species include the Asian vine snake (Ahaetulla prasina) and the rough green snake (Opheodrys aestivus).

What is a pythons food chain?

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In a python's food chain, they are typically at the top as apex predators. They primarily prey on small mammals, birds, and reptiles. However, larger pythons may also feed on larger animals such as deer or pigs.

Is a python an omnivore?

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No, strictly carnivores. Snakes do not eat plants.

No, Diet consists of small mammals and birds, the larger the python the larger the prey which include pigs, dogs, cats and primates, etc., the python ambushes it's prey, holds it with it's teeth and suffocates the victim with constriction rather then crushing it, after swallowing the prey whole digestion takes many days to several weeks depending on the size of the prey.

General information!

Python Scientific classification.

Kingdom: Animalia.

Phylum: Chordata.

Subphylum: Vertebrata.

Class: Reptilia.

Order: Squamata.

Suborder: Serpentes.

Infraorder: Alethinophidia.

Family: Pythonidae.

Genus: Python.

Species: P. molurus

The (Asiatic) Reticulated Python (Python reticulatus) is a member of the Pythonidae family and has and average length of 15 ft. (4.57 m) to 25 ft. (7.62 m) however, it is possible for some to grow near 30 ft. (9.14 m) with a weight of 300lbs. (136.08 kg.), the largest was measured at 33 ft. (10.05 m), they can be located in Southeast Asia and can be found in the various Tropical Rainforest's which covers over 1.9 million sq. km (1.180,605 sq. mi.), a member of the Boa family the female can have as many as 100 eggs at a time (Average is 60 eggs)and the hatchlings are at least 2 ft. (61 cm) in length, life span of the python is 25 to 30 years. Dietconsists of small mammals and birds, the larger the python the larger the prey which include pigs, dogs, cats and primates, etc., the python ambushes it's prey, holds it with it's teeth and suffocates the victim with constriction rather then crushing it, after swallowing the prey whole digestion takes many days to several weeks depending on the size of the prey.

Why are there so many pythons in the Florida Keys?

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Pythons were introduced to the Florida Keys through the exotic pet trade, and some were released into the wild or escaped. The warm climate and abundant food sources in the Florida Keys provide ideal conditions for pythons to thrive and reproduce. This has led to an overpopulation of pythons in the area, impacting the local ecosystem.

Worlds largest snake name size?

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The world's largest snake is the reticulated python, which can grow up to 30 feet in length. It is found in Southeast Asia and is known for its impressive size and slender body.

Are pythons carnivores?

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they are carnivores. they have been known even to attack aligators

Are pythons herbivores?

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No, pythons are not herbivores. They are carnivorous reptiles that primarily feed on small mammals, birds, and sometimes larger prey like deer or pigs. They use their powerful jaws and sharp teeth to capture and consume their prey.

Largest snake on Earth?

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The largest snake on Earth is the reticulated python, which can grow up to 25 feet in length. These snakes are found in Southeast Asia and are known for their impressive size and strength.

Are Burmese pythons poisonous?

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No, the Burmese Python is not poisonous: it bites on to its prey with back-facing teeth, then wraps its body around the victim until it dies from suffocation, it is then swallowed whole.

Pythons (Burmese and otherwise) are constrictors ... like most snakes, they are descended from a venomous ancestor and still have toxin-producing glands, but the toxins in pythons are relatively weak and the snake doesn't produce enough of them to matter much.