

Do female guinea pigs eat a lot?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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12y ago

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No, because they are YO mama.

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Q: Do female guinea pigs eat a lot?
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Do guinea pigs eat a lot?

Yes, they do! Guinea pigs are known to be, well pigs, and are prone to obesity like many rodents.

Can guinea pigs eat miner's lettuce?

Guinea pigs should only eat romaine lettuce.

Do male guinea pigs eat other pigs?

No for guinea pigs are stirct herbivores so they eat only vegetables and their commercial food.They dont eat other pigs but as the guinea pigs get older one of them may bite as its a sighn of teritory.Eat a LotYes, they also require a lot of water.

Why do guinea pigs eat there faces?

Guinea pigs have a lot of fibre and roughage in their diets, so they eat some of their faeces to make sure that they have got all the nutrients out of their food.

What happens if a guinea-pig eats a lot of grapes?

Guinea pigs should not eat grapes and if so only occasionally. The grapes can cause the guinea pigs stomach aches.

What do guinea pigs do in the day?

Well guinea pigs lov to eat so they eat a lot. They also get de-hidrated fast so they drink a lot too. If u hav 2 or more ginea pigs they play with each other too.

He eats like a pig?

Thats why they are called guinea PIGS. It is healthy for them to eat a lot.

Why are my two female guinea pigs squeeling at each other a lot I have only had them a week are they just settling in or could there be a problem?

Guinea pigs squeal a lot!! As long as you see they are not fighting or biting each other, you have happy piggies.

Does a guinea pig eat lots of hay?

I don't know if I'd say a lot, but guinea pigs do eat a type of hay called timothy hay.

Can guinea pigs eat white bread?

Yes, they can eat this. It is not advised to feed a lot of it. These animals do better when they eat green leafy vegetables.

Is it a bad thing for guinea pigs to eat a lot of hay?

No, not at all hay helps a guinea pigs digestive system, my two are constantly eating hay :) hope this helped x

Are 2 female guinea pigs best or a boy and a girl?

2 female because a boy and girl will just have babies, because they can at 3 months old. And a lot of times the babies that they produce will just eat eachother.