

Do female hamsters kill male hamsters?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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It depends. Syrian and Teddy Bear hamsters will kill each other if they are the SAME gender , even if they are related. There will be less fights if you put hamsters of the opposite gender together to mate.

Dwarf hamsters live in groups, so female dwarfs and male dwarfs won't attack each other and will have babies peacefully.

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Q: Do female hamsters kill male hamsters?
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If you put females and male hamsters in the same cage do they fight or mate?

They will do both. Both. They will first mate, and then the female will kill the male.

Do female hamsters have hamsters?

Yes, she will have baby hamsters, but only if she mates with a male hamster.

How much do pregnant hamsters cost?

It depends where you live where I live hamsters cost 10 dollars and you can't buy pregnent hamsters also you should not disturbe a pregnent hamster. If you despretly want one buy a male and female but when the female is pregnent take the male out of the cage he could kill the babys

Are Syrian hamsters all boys?

No, Syrian Hamsters can be male or female.

Will female hamsters fight?

Yes two female hamster can fight but not as violent or often as male hamsters. female hamsters can get in rarely any fights

How can you tell the difference from female and male hamsters?

The male would have an outty and the female an inny

Can hamsters live together once they get older?

NO they will kill each other they fight till death only dwaf hamsters and a few other breeds can live together --------------------------- Improved by .PokemonFreak. Actually, if you have two females it is possible for them to become friends. If you put male and female together the female is going to end up pregnant then you have to separate them or else the female will kill the male.

Can 2 female hamsters and a male live together?

No, or yes if you want two mamas if they are dwarf hamsters. If Syrians then no, because they will fight and may even kill each other.

Are male hamsters have better memory than female hamsters?

It depends on the hamster (:

Can female hamsters hafe babies without male hamsters?

Male hamsters cannot give birth to a baby.

What would you prefur a male hamster or a female hamster to have?

male hamsters are said to be very friendly but ive had 3 female hamsters and they were very easy to look after .