

Do female sharks have claspers

Updated: 12/19/2022
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12y ago

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No, they are only found on male sharks.

"Claspers are rolls of cartilage that become stiffened with calcium in the adult. The presence or absence of these claspers make it very easy to differentiate males from females..."

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Q: Do female sharks have claspers
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What is intermittent organ?

It's any organ that is used in INTERNAL fertilization by the male to place sperm inside of the female. This includes penises, but isn't limited to those particular organs. It also includes the "claspers" of chondrichthyes fish like sharks. These are technically fins, but are inserted inside the female's cloaca. A very small groove along the clasper carries sperm and semen along the outside of the clasper and into the female. There are lots of different adaptations among animals to go about internal fertilization, not just penises, so "intermittent organ" is a word to describe all of those organs as a group.

What are the male sex cells and sex organs of a great white shark called?

They are actually called claspers.

Does Kenya have sharks?

Yes, Kenya does have sharks. They are called White Sharks.

Do sharks live in estuaries?

Yes, also oysters, sandbar sharks and blue crabs!

Do sharks live in Myrtle Beach water?

Yes. The sharks of Mytle Beach are not the kind of shark typically involved in attacks. Most of what you find are Sandbar sharks and Bonnethead sharks. Lemon sharks and Bull sharks, types of sharks more likely to attack humans, can be found off the coast of Myrtle Beach but less frequently. Shark attacks are rare here. The last fatality at myrtle beach from a shark was in 1883. Still, stay out of deep waters after 4:00 (feeding time) The lifeguards will post a warning if sharks are spotted. If you see one before the lifeguard, tell him/her immediately.

Related questions

What is the purpose of spines on claspers on sharks?

Aids in the transfer of spermatophores into the female cloaca.

Do sharks have 2 penises?

No. These "penises" are called claspers, which deposit semen into the female shark.

How will you know if a hammerhead is male or female?

Examine the pelvic fins on the bottom of the shark. Male sharks will have two, tubular claspers trailing off the back part of the fins. Female sharks will have normal, rounded fins. The claspers on the male shark are its reproductive organs and are used to internally fertilize the female. Juvenile males will have smaller, short claspers and can be harder to identify.

Where is a sharks penis located?

The sharks penis is located in it's claspers.

What are claspers?

a ding a ling in male sharks used to make babies :-)

What appendages do sharks have?

Sharks have no bony appendages and arguably no appendages unless you count the claspers of the male shark. Fins are not articulating.

How do you tell if a Great White Shark is a boy or girl?

If you are able to handle the shark, flip it over on it's back. Look on the underside of the shark, right in between it's lower fins by the tail. You will see the genitals. Male nurse sharks will have long fin like appendeges hanging on both sides of the genitals. These are called "claspers". These aide the male in mating with the female. Female nurse sharks will not have these claspers.

How many pinuses do sharks have?

Male sharks have two external reproductive organs called claspers, which serve the same reproductive purpose as a penis.

How do sharks procreate?

Sharks reproduce through internal fertilization. The male shark uses his claspers to insert sperm into the female shark's cloaca. The female then fertilizes her eggs internally, which eventually develop and hatch inside her body before being born live or laid as eggs.

How can you tell if a goldfish is a female?

Male fish have claspers on their lower belly, so if the fish doesnt have these claspers, then it's a female. I dont know if it's the same with goldfish, but since they're fish, it probably is.

How do you know what is a male great white?

Male sharks have reproductive organs called "claspers", which are attached to the pelvic fins.

What are the male sex cells in the great white shark?
