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Q: Do fire belly toads eat flies?
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Do fire belly toads eat their young?


Do fire belly toads take care of their young?

They eat them and then barf them up when they're ready.

What do fire bellied toads eat?

I have a fire belly toad myself and after talking to someone at Petsmart, I found that they eats small crickets that you can by at the pet store. They also eat other small bug, but since I'm not sure what could hurt them, I would recommend that you just feed them the crickets.

Can birds live with fire belly toads?

No. The bird might try to eat the frog. Not to mention they live in two very different environments.

What do young toads eat?


Why can toads eat lightning bugs?

Yes. They eat any type flies that they can get.

What do little toads eat?

small insects. Toads love things like gnats, flies, mosquitoes, slugs and so they are very helpful in the garden.

What animals eat frogs and toads?

Baby toads eat the same things that big toads eat. They eat insects.

What type of plants do toads eat?

Toads do not eat plants. They eat other insects. When they are tadpoles they eat plants but switch when they are no longer tadpoles.

Can fire belly toads live with fish?

Yes IF - you have enough water so the toxins from the toads don't kill them - the fish can survive in the same temperature range as the toads - the fish are going to eat or nip at the toads -the poison will not kill or make the other fish ill at contact such as a healthy Betta fish. Lots of people keep feeder guppies with their toads. Sometimes the toads catch them. But is very rare. Mine didn't catch them.

How do fire belly toads eat or chew?

They do not chew at all. They swallow prey alive.