

Do fish fart

Updated: 11/13/2022
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11y ago

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well, technically they do but it is just a bubble of water and mush

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No one really knows.

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Q: Do fish fart
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I can't honestly say I've come across this question or its answer before, so I'll hazard a guess based on logic.Land animals fart because there is air in their digestive tract. This air is either swallowed or produced in the digestive tract. This happens when fermenting food being digested produces gases, some of these, such as methane, are quite smelly. Fish obviously cannot swallow air very easily because they live in water, but it would be likely that their insides also produce gas as a byproduct of digestion. So fish probably can fart, but I've honestly never seen bubbles emanating from the nether regions of my own aquarium fish!Additional answer: Im not sure if it is called a 'fart' but I have a Weather Loach and a Albinos Claw Frog that sometimes releases bubbles from their anus. It really is funny to see a fish fart. I think they are produced by digestives gases and/or Air they can swallow when they eat to the top of the water.ANSWERActually my friend told me that fish can fart really. One fish fart to communicate. It is called Herring fish.

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