

Do fish live in sea anemones?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Yes some fish like clown and other small ones live in them

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Q: Do fish live in sea anemones?
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What anemones do clown fish live in?

sea anemone

Why does clownfish live in correl reef?

Clownfish can't live without a sea anemone, just like humans can't live without plants. Clownfish are the fish that can live in sea anemones. If other fish try to go in the see anemone they'll get harmed. Sea anemones protect clownfish only.

Do butterfly fish eat sea anemones?

Yes, butterfly fish will eat sea anemones.

What is the function of sea anemones?

it protect small fish

Do sea anemones live alone or in groups?

sea anemones live in groups

What type of climate do sea anemones live in?

sea anemones live in places with cold water

Are sea anemone poisonus to humans?

Sea anemone are not poisons to humans in fact they are not poisonus us to some fish such as the clown fish. Sea anemones use their poisons has their defense "weapon". Sea anemones are helpful to clown fish because that's wear they live and clown fish predators are threaten by their poisons.So to answer your question no they are not. :)

What is the physiology of a sea anemones?

Why is the Clown Fish called also, an Anenome Fish. They live in a symbiotic arrangement - together forever and amen.

What groups do sea anemones coral and jellyfish belong to?

Sea anemones, coral and jelly fish belong to the group of Cnidarians.

What is the Sea Anemones diet?

Fish and shrimp mostly.

How do sea anemones find a mate?

well,they get with fish

Is the clown fish the only fish that can live in anemone?

Clownfish are unique in their immunity to the sting of anemones because their scales are covered by a certain secretion that prevents them from feeling the pain. That is why anemones serve as a good habitat for them; they do not feel the sting of the anemones, while anemones ward off other predators.