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Yes, rotting organic matter is a source of food for the larval form of the fly.

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Q: Do flies lay their egg in manure and garbage?
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Why do flies lay eggs in manure and garbage?

Because flies most likely to lay their eggs in a dirty place. It's just their trip. Who cares?

What is the difference between grasshopper and housefly?

There are a couple of differences flies lay thousands of egg, while grass hoppers don't. Grass hoppers eat leaves and plant products, flies prefer garbage.

Can rotting garbage turn into maggots?

Garbage does not turn into maggots. A maggot is a larva of a fly, basically a just-hatched fly egg. Since flies are attracted by smelly, rotting things, that's where they tend to lay their eggs and where the larvae can feed.

Why do flies lay eggs in mamure or garbage?

So that the maggots can hatch out and eat the dead or decaying material.

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Yes, but only if the tiger is dead. They are considered to be decomposers or garbage eaters. You are aware that flies lay eggs on dead tissue. These form maggots that then eat the tissue

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no egg can lay another egg because they have not been born yet when the egg has hatched and it has grew up then they can lay an egg of there own.

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If they hide there, they lay the egg there too.

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lay egg

How do you get a parrot to lay in egg?

It will lay an egg eventually if you put the opposite gender /male a female might lay an egg.

Why do butterflies lay their eggs in garbage?

Most butterflies don't lay their eggs in garbage. They typically lay their eggs on the plant that their caterpillars will feed on. Monarchs butterflies lay their eggs on milkweed plants. Spicebush swallowtails butterflies lay their eggs on Spicebush, Sassafras, Sweet Bay, and Prickly Ash. You get the idea. I don't know of any butterflies that lay their eggs in garbage, but if they do it is probably the type of garbage that their caterpillars would feed on.

Does a clam give birth or lay egg?

lay an egg. check