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Q: Do florescent light bulbs use less electricity?
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Which save more energy incandescent light bulbs or fluorescent?

Fluorescent light bulbs use less electricity for the amount of light produced.

Get A Cheaper Electricity Bill For Apartment?

Turning off lights when leaving the room can save apartment dwellers money but there are other ways to save. Those incandescent light bulbs often burn out frequently, and can add up over time. Replacing bulbs with compact florescent bulbs can not only save the environment but create a cheaper electricity bill for apartment residents. Compact bulbs do often cost more than incandescent bulbs, but they last longer and use less electricity. Many bulbs have a use life of many years, compared to only a few months that incandescent bulbs offer. This means less waste and less money must be spent.

Lower Your Electricity Bill Just by Changing Your Light Bulbs?

Most people light their home using incandescent light bulbs. While these bulbs may seem less expensive, they can add quite a bit of money to your electricity bill. To lower your electricity bill, swap your incandescent bulbs for compact fluorescent lamps, or CPL's. CPL's are a type of bulb that uses 75% less electricity than incandescent light bulbs. Just by switching the type of light bulb you use, you can quickly lower your electricity bill. These bulbs also last much longer than regular bulbs. Most CPL's last around ten years, which means that you will enjoy a lower electricity bill, while never having to change a bulb.

Are light bulbs really efficient?

Normal incandescent bulbs produce a lot of heat as well as light, so are not so efficient as low energy bulbs which can give the same light but consume much less electricity

What is Florescent?

flouescnet is a type of light bulb that uses less energy

How does LED light affect electricity?

LED lights use substantially less electricity than most other kinds of lighting -- even less than compact fluorescent bulbs.

Which light bulb is best for cost saving?

Florescent light bulbs produce a similar amount of light with much less power than incandescent light bulbs. Their initial cost is paid back in energy savings. They also last a lot longer. I exchanged every light in my house for florescent bulbs years ago and I haven't changed more than 4 or 5 in all that time. LED bulbs are now on the market and are very expensive. But they use even less power to produce similar light and last many times longer than florescent bulbs. They are quite expensive, but what you get is an almost permanent bulb. In the future we will tell our grandchildren how we used to change light bulbs and they won't understand. I see a day when the bulbs become permanent parts of light fixtures and will not be replaceable in any typical sense.

What is an eco light bulb?

sometimes Compared to an incandescent light bulb, "green" ( eco? ) light bulbs are generally more efficient to manufacture and more efficient in using (less) electricity to make (more) light; and they contain or release less toxic materials during manufacture, use, and (should they fail prematurely) disposal of used bulbs. Likely examples: LED bulbs, Fluorescent bulbs (except they contain mercury).

Is cardboard the best thing for the environment and if not what is?

cardboard is good, as it is mostly recycled material. Also, LED lights and florescent bulbs are good. Use less energy, and last longer then traditional bulbs. So it creates less waste.

Do heat lamp bulbs use less than regular bulbs?

No, they use more electricity.

How does adding bulbs affect the current?

The bulbs get progressively darker. Electricity is the flow of electrons and the potential difference caused by these electrons powers the bulbs. The first bulb will get the most amount as the electrons flow past, then the 2nd will less and so on for any other bulbs in the series.

What are the benefits of using eco-bulbs?

it costs less money and uses less electricity