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Yes. So long as there is enough moisture in the soil for there to be a sap flow in the plant, the production of nectar is a continuous process until the flower wilts or the petals fall.

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Q: Do flowers make more nectar once it is eaten?
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Bees Stop making honey?

Bees make honey from nectar gathered from flowers. If there are no nectar-bearing flowers available, then the bees can't make honey. Nor will there be any nectar to feed on, so they will feed on their stored honey.

How do fruit bats eat nectar?

Fruit bats will eat/lick nectar from flowers. See attached link for more information.

Suppose you observed that bees prefer a yellow flower that produces more nectar over a purple flower that produces less nectar list two separate hypotheses that you might make about bees and flower?

#1 they go for bright flowers first of all #2 they use more necter to make honey

What does a worker bee do at the flower?

They gather a flowers nectar, but while they do that, the flowers pollen gets on the bee and when he goes to the next flower he drops some of it and more sticks to him, that how flowers pollenate.

What do you feed a hummingbird?

Sugar water. They like red feeders. Google hummingbird+feeder for more.

Why are bees hairy?

Bees incidentally collect pollen for pollenating plants when they are attracted to something about a flower (nectar, UV patterns, etc). When they fly from flower to flower, they are transferring gametes from flower to flower, a classic symbiotic relationship where both the bee and plants benefit. This part I am not sure about: The idea is that if a bee is more hairy, it pollinates more flowers. If more plants are pollinated, there will be more plants and flowers for future bees to obtain nectar from. Therefore a bee's fitness is increased by being more hairy and pollinating more flowers. Through natural selection and a whole lot of time they have gotten more hairy to pollinate more flowers and then have more nectar to eat. Hope this helped!

What flower do bees like?

Bees prefer fragrant, red coloured flowers like roses. Yellow, scentless or purtrid smelling flowers are frequented by flies. I have however seen hungry bees on Dandilions and dasies. Hunger seems to be a great motivator.

How do hummingbirds drink nectar out of flowers?

In terms of what species of plant, the flowers are geared to be attractive to pollinators, often specific pollinators such as a bee - evolution took care of that a long time ago - flowers that were attractive to pollinators were always going to set more seed. As for flowers that still have nectar - they haven't already been visited and the nectar taken. If you watch a bee at work you will see that they can't detect that but most flowers will continue to produce nectar or they will wither once they have been visited and pollinated.

Do bumble bees like flowers?

Bumblebees also pollinate wildflowers. Bumblebees are attracted to flowers with narrow corolla tubes, such as blueberries and cranberries. They mainly forage for pollen rather than nectar and transfer more pollen to the pistils with each visit.

How do bees fertilize flowers?

A bee flies from flower to flower, eating the sweet nectar. In doing so, it's hairy legs rub against the flowers anther, collecting pollen. The bee then flies to the next flower to eat some more nectar. The pollen falls off the hairy legs and onto the flowers stigma, from where it travels down to the ovary. Pollination then occurs. This is how bees fertilize flowers

What do honey bees eat?

Bees will eat most sugary things,they like honey the most.I have read most articles and everyone else said that they eat honey.Read more:

What does bees take from flowers to make honey?

Without going into great detail, A bee sucks nectar from a blooming flower to store it and mix the nectar with enzymes and proteins to formulate honey. They then deposit the honey in hive cells. A simple google search on honey will come up with sites offering more information.