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Yes, because of the huge compressional forces when two plates collide. This can happen at either a continental-continental boundary or a continental-oceanic boundary.

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Q: Do folded mountains form at convergent boundaries where two plates collide?
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What type of mountain ranges form at convergent plate boundaries?

Folded and volcanic mountains

What do folded mountains and volcanic mountain have in common?

Both were probably formed from convergent plate boundaries.

What two different types of convergent boundaries occur?

Type - SubductionFeature - Trenches or Volcanic mountainsType - CollisionFeature - Folded mountains

Are divergent plate boundaries associated with folded mountains and deep sea trenches?

No. Sea floor trenches are found at convergent boundaries. divergen boundaries form mid-ocean ridges.

What kind of mountains form at convergent boundaries?

Folded mountains are created when plates move. Folded mountains occur at convergent boundaries where land is being pushed together. The pressure of the plate motion causes the land above to fold. This folding can happen in a number of different patterns. These folding patterns appear as domes, waves, or twists and turns. Occasionally, this happens at a divergent boundary where part of the adjacent land moves, causing the surface layers to buckle or fold. Folded mountains often have gentile slopes and a dome appearance.

How folded mountain ranges form?

lithosphere plates collide forming the folded mountains!

Are mountains created when two plates collide?

Mountain building (orogenesis) normally occurs at convergent plate boundaries where plates are moving towards each other. However at divergent boundaries there is a possibility for the formation of horst and graben structures where the tensile stresses cause down thrown blocks of crust to occur bordered by up thrown blocks of crust (horst) which may appear to be mountains.

What happens to rock along converging boundaries?

It is folded and uplifted, or subducted into the mantle, depending on the type of convergent boundary.

What stress forms folded mountains?

two plates collide and then their edges crumble like a paper

Would you expect to see a folded mountain range at an ocean ridge?

No. A mid-ocean ridges is a divergent boundary. You find folded mountain at convergent plate boundaries.

What type of mountain is formed when plates converge?

when plate boundaries converge folded mountains are formed.

Where do folded mountains occur?

At distructive plate boundaries, and yes the Hymmalayas is an example of a fold mountain as are the Alps