

Best Answer

The answer to your question has a lot of variables and depends on the complete diet of the person and their lifestyle. However, the general answer is yes. Sugar is a carboyhdrate and more efficiently metabolized as an energy source than protein.

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Q: Do foods high in sugar give more energy than foods high in protein?
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Which foods contain energy?

Energy-dense foods tend to be processed foods with sugar and fat added to improve the taste. The result is more calories per ounce

Can eating healtheir give you more energy?

When you eat healthier foods the energy is slowly released unlike sugar which gives you sudden bursts of energy and the healthier foods also help you concentrate.

Why are energy foods called energy foods?

because they give you energy

When do marthon runners eat?

you eat healthy foods that will give you energy for that day such as energy bars or fruit shakes, try and get alot of protein in your body before your match.

What is Best diet for a dancer?

Foods with protein to give you energy to dance! Fuze drinks are also good. Slenderize Blueberry Raspberry is my choice.

Do protein give you energy?

Yes. Protein has 4 calories per gram. Calories = energy.

Does poultry give you energy?

Yes. All foods give you energy when consumed.

What are the foods that give us energy?

Usually the foods that our healthy

What foods give us sugar?

chocolate and sweets

What protein foods can easily give you food posioning?

Fishy eggs

How does protein give the human body energy?


Where on the web could I discover a list of high protein foods?

They are many excellent websites today where you can find lists of high protein foods. being one of many. They give you a list, plus the amount per portion in grams. This will give you an excellent idea of protein foods which you enjoy to help you with your fitness.