

Do frogs breath by there lungs or skin?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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8y ago

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Mostly by their lungs,

skin percentage is small to non-existent (in all toads).

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Q: Do frogs breath by there lungs or skin?
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How does poison dart frogs breath?

Adult Poison dart frogs breath through their skin and lungs

What animal breath through skin?

some frogs breath through skin some don't.

What organ are common to both human and the frogs respiratory system?

Most frogs have lungs, but their are lungless frogs. They can also breath thru their skin.

What do amphibian's breath out of?

Tadpoles use gills to breath. Adult amphibians breath with their lungs, and frogs can get a little oxygen from their skin, when moist or wet.

Do frogs breath through their skin?

Yes, but they also have lungs to breathe through their mouth and nostrils

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How are frogs able to live on land?

frogs can only live on land if they are wet, all animals from this catagory do this. However, frogs cant survive on land if they are dry. They way frogs breath is much different from most animals,frogs not only breath through lungs, but also through their skin. Frogs can only breath when wet.

How does a poison dart breathe?

Adult Poison dart frogs breath through their lungs and skin. Tadpoles use gills.

How do frogs breathe in water and on land?

frogs breathe through there skins. but the frog has lungs but no ribs! They don't. Frogs can hold their breath for a very long time but they still have to come to the surface to breath air.They don't, they hold their breath like we do, they can just do it a long time. During their tadpole stage, they breathe under water through their skin, using internal gills. When they mature into frogs, they develop lungs and then can only breathe air using their lungs.

What fun is the function of the lungs?

they allow frogs to breath

How many lungs do amphibians have?

they use their gills, skin, and later in life they use their lungs :)

Why do snakes and frogs need lungs?

snakes and frogs need lungs to help them breath becuse when they grow they don't grow with gills they grom with lungs instead.