

Do frogs have a stomach

Updated: 11/13/2022
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8y ago

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Yes, frogs have a stomach.

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Q: Do frogs have a stomach
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What organ is underneath a frogs stomach?

Intestines are present underneath frogs stomach i.e on the posterior side of the body.

Does a frogs stomach produce enzymes?


What is the system that includes frogs stomach and intestines?

Digestive System.

Is there blood veins in the stomach of a frog?

yes there is and its gross to disect frogs

How strong is a frogs stomach acid?

as strong as a lilly-picker in a lemon farm

What is the function of the frogs plyorus?

The pylorus is the lower area in the stomach in a frog. The function of the pylorus in a frog is to standardize the exit of food from the stomach.

What do the frogs stomach and intestines do?

i was taught in class what the intestines do but i can't remember. But the stomach digests the food. thts all i know srry

What are gastric glands in frogs?

The gastric glands in frogs are found in the wall of their stomach. These small glands secrete gastric juice needed to aid in protein digestion.

How do frogs get energy from their foodDo they digest it like a plant A cow?

Frogs have a stomach and gastrointestinal system like most animals, they simply digest their food like you do. :/

What is the shape of the stomach in a frog?

In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's In frogs and all other vertebrates lining of stomach and small intestine is made up of mucosa . But mucosa of small intestine possess villi which are finger like projections which increase surface are for absorption .Villi are absent in stomach .the lining in both frogs are think, but the stomach's is shorter than the intestine's

Do frogs have an esophagus?

Yes it does. You can tell when a thing has an esophagus when it has to carry food down to it's stomach.

Where is the frogs esophagus located?

Movement of food from oral cavity to stomach.Helps them swallow their food.Swallows the moves food toward the stomach by muscular peristaltic contractions and by the beating of cilia that line its internal surface.The function of a frog's esophagus is to transfer food down to the frogs stomach.the frogs esophagus is where food goes through before entering the stomach.the frogs esophagus moves food to the stomach by way of cilia.