

Do fruit flies bite humans

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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No they do not. The don't even bite their food, but secrete digestive fluid to produce a liquid and with a small appendage suck it up into the digestive system.

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13y ago

Yes. They mainly fight over resources, shelter, or mates. This aggressive nature comes from the numerous predators that they encounter, including wasps, yellow jackets, frogs, and Spiders.

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Fruit flies eat fruit and so do humans

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Bumble bees are bees. If they sting, it is a bee sting. Robber flies can bite humans. It is not similar to a bee sting.

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Yes, fruit flies and humans have the same evolutionary relationship to wheat. All animals have the same relationship to plants in evolution.

Why can't patterns of inheritance in humans be as easily studied as in peas and frruit flies.?

Firstly, peas and fruit flies come to maturity much faster than humans so you can fit in lots of generations in a practicable time. Secondly, fruit flies have a much simpler genotype than we do. Finally there are far fewer ethical restrictions when you experiment on flies or peas.

Why fruit flies used an experiment and net humans?

I am assuming you mean 'Why are fruit flys used in experiments and not humans?' in which case the answer is there are so many fruit flies and they are not really neccicary to us humans. Also if something goes wrong, humans could die or get mentally ill. Fruit flys just croak over and aren't missed. Correct me if I am wrong please.

Is a fruit fly a baby fly?

No. Gnat is a term associated with the Nematocera suborder of flies, consisting of mosquitoes, crane flies, black flies and midges. Most of the species are predatory, and it is the black fly that is usually known as the gnat. Fruit flies, on the other hand, belong to suborder Brachycera and section Schizophora and to the two families of Tephritidae and Drosophila. As the name states, they feed on plant matter and fruit juices, and contrary to common belief, do not bite or feed on humans.

Why can't patterns of inheritance in humans be as easily study as in peas or fruit flies?

humans produce few offspring slowly

Why cant patterns inheritance in humans be as easily studied as in peas or fruit flies?

Humans produce few offspring slowly