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I am assuming you mean 'Why are fruit flys used in experiments and not humans?' in which case the answer is there are so many fruit flies and they are not really neccicary to us humans. Also if something goes wrong, humans could die or get mentally ill. Fruit flys just croak over and aren't missed. Correct me if I am wrong please.

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Q: Why fruit flies used an experiment and net humans?
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What type of relationship do fruit flies have with humans?

When humans see fruit flies, they instinctively try to chase them away. Many households have a spray that can be used to kill the flying insects.

What conclusions did Morgan arrive at with his experiment on fruit flies?

Morgan used fruit flies to study how genes were passed down from parent to child. He concluded from his research that they were passed through chromosomes, and used his data to create the first genetic map.

What are fruit flies studied for?

Fruit flies are used in research (usually genetic and reproduction research) because they are genetically similar to humans reproduce rapidly. That is they make several generations quickly. So, if the research want to see what will happen several generations after they make an experimental change, they are likely to use fruit flies.

Why do fruit flies have white eyes?

they dont well actually some fruit flies do. it depends on if they are a mutant type of fruit fly or not. there are also flies that have messed up wings, these types of flies are called vestigial. there are also fruit flies that don't even have eyes. all of these types of fruit flies are mutants and are used for testing.

Did Gregor Darwin use fruit flies?

Gregor Mendel used fruit flies. There was no one called Gregor Darwin.

What is malathian?

Pesticide commonly used for fruit flies.

What is the plant hormone that is often used to ripen fruit called?

i think the fruit ripes because the fruit flies come to get it before we do

Why are fruit flies dangerous?

No, fruit flies don't carry any pathogens harmful to humans. When I was younger we used to make our own vinegar with the help of fruit flies. When we were making wine we'd set some open bottles off to the side. The fruit fly would enter and lay her eggs. While she was doing that, she'd inadvertently inoculate the wine with the acetic acid producing bacteria. They have a symbiotic relationship. The acidification would be repugnant to fruit fly predators. Soon, you'd see the little "Vinegar eels" swimming in the wine. It wasn't long after that and you had Vinegar. Leave out a bottle of finished wine and they'll turn it to vinegar the first chance they get. Now you can buy, "Mother of Vinegar" to pour into the wine or fruit juice to make vinegar. More than the air born pollutant, the vintner puts air traps or "bubblers" over his wine fermenting finishing bottles to keep out fruit flies. Fruit flies aren't dangerous to humans but, they can sure ruin a good bottle of wine. The maggots don't present any danger to humans. Source(s): I make a bottle or two of wine every year. They sell Camden tablets to kill the bacteria and halt the growth of the acetic acid transformation. However, it doesn't eliminate the acid already the finished wine.

What was first used in genetic studies by thomas Morgan in the early 1900s?

Plato users, Fruit flies.

What equipment did redi used in his experiment Why was the gauze important?

Redi used Meat and Jars and the guaze was important becasue it was covering the flies away form the meat.

What is the best animal to do a science experiment on?

Albino mice and rats are generally used because they are intelligent and react to medicines similarly to humans.

How radioisotopes are used in pest control?

Isotopes such as Cobalt-60 have been used as gamma-ray sources to sterilize pests such as fruit flies. The sterilized male fruit flies are then released into an affected area. They will compete for mating with fertile males but produce no offspring, thereby reducing the pest population.