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No that is just silly. I know they're called fruit flies but that is just to trick you. Except for an apple no animal ever gets in a fruit.

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Q: Do fruit flies come from inside fruit?
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How do fruit flies infest fruit?

Fruit flies infest fruit by actually burrowing into the fruit, and laying their eggs inside of it. So when they hatch, the fruit flies then devour their environment

What were first fruit flies born?

fruit flies come from outside they do not generate from rotten fruit.

Do fruit flies come from fruit?

They come from eggs that might be laid in rotten food substances. It takes 48 hours for them to turn into fruit flies, that is why it seams that they come from nowhere when all it is is that they reproduce really fast. For more information try this link:

Where do fruit flies come from?

Fruit flies come from outside. They are small enough to pass through screens. They do not spontaneously generate from over ripe/rotting fruit.

What do the fruit flies do to fruit?

They are attracted to it so they come and eat it and they lay their eggs in it.

Where the fruit and seeds come from in the papaya plant?

The fruit come from the flowers. After the flowers are fertilized the fruit and the seeds inside, develop. This is the same for any fruit.

Why do fruit flies exist?

They love fruits and if you eat fruits a fruit fly might come there

Do gnats come out of bananas?

Those "gnats" are fruit flies. They do not come out of bananas, they hatch from the banana peel. The adult fruit flies lay their eggs on the banana plants, including the fruit.

What can explain flies in the house?

They have a food source. This can be anything, from exposed fruit to the trash can. Especially fruit flies can also sneak in at any time, most likely inside of fruit - eggs and larvae are very small and really unnoticable, I never once saw them, but the prescence of flies proves they had to have been there. Keep grapes and strawberries and such in the fridge so their development is slowed and the eggs don't hatch, and fruit flies will disappear. Other flies may come in from outside, but once again, if they have a food source they'll stick around.

What is the plant hormone that is often used to ripen fruit called?

i think the fruit ripes because the fruit flies come to get it before we do

Where do gnats and fruit flies come from?

Like most insects, fruit flies and gnats develop from eggs. they lay their eggs the eggs which are called larvae. Larvae then hatches and maggots come out. Maggots then turn into puparium (cocoon like). Then these hatch into fruit flies. The hole ordeal take 48 hours.

How do fruit flies get on fruit?

Fruit flies are attracted to the smell of the fruit, they fly to the fruit to get to it. There they breed and lay their eggs so some fruit flies are born on the fruit.