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Some are able to do so, yes. Many are either decomposers or parasites and cannot alternate between the two means of getting food.

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Q: Do fungi obtain nutrients by decomposing organic and inorganic materials as well as acting as parasites?
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Why do horses need worming?

Worms are parasites. They take nutrients away from the horse. We deworm them, to get rid of the parasites.

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When fungi decompose materials?

During the decomposition process, organic material is breakdown by enzymatic action into simpler organic compounds and inorganic nutrients. These are either released to the environment or absorbed by the fungus.

Why will parasites die if the host was killed?

if the host dies the nutrients die with it so parasites will die as well, until they find a new host

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Are flagellates parasitic?

Parasites are what feed on your nutrients, as you should know. Flagellum is almost tail-like structure in a prokaryote. Parasitic Flagellates, therefore are parasites with flagellum

Where do parasites absorb nutrients from?

From their hosts. The hosts may be plants, animals or even micro-organisms.

What does the body perceive as an antigen?

Foreign organic or inorganic materials, such as viral/bacteria proteins, bacteria toxins, parasites membranes, foreign objects, etc. Incompatible blood or organs are perceived as antigenic as well, that's why they make all those compatibility tests before a transplant.

How do parasites help their hosts?

Most parasites don't kill their hosts, because it doesn't take all the nutrients from the host. It only needs a certain amount of nutrients. So it will cause some bad effects on host, but it won't cause complete destruction.

Name some parasites?

There are so many parasites which include ticks, tapeworm, liver fluke, rust, hookworm and so many more. These are organisms that gain nutrients at the expense of the host.

What word describes microbes which gain nutrients from once living organisms?

Fungi and Bacteria that gain nutrients from once living organisms are called decomposers. Organisms that gain nutrients from living organisms is called parasites.

What are Phanerogamic parasites?

Phanerogamic parasites are plants that derive nutrients and water from other plants, known as hosts. They belong to the group of parasitic plants, such as mistletoe and dodder, which attach themselves to the host plant to obtain the necessary resources for survival and growth. These parasites have specialized structures, such as haustoria, that allow them to penetrate the host's tissues and extract nutrients.