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I honestly have no idea, that's why I looked this up. But id have to say something about how fungi get their nutrients from decomposing organisms.

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Q: Do fungi recycle nutrients in all ecosystems?
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True or false Fungi recycle nutrients in all ecosystems?


Which organisms recycle the organic molecules of dead organisms at all trophic levels and return their nutrients to the environment?

Decomposers recycle the organic molecules of dead organisms at all trophic levels and return their nutrients to the environment. These are often insects.

How do bacteria and fungi affect the ecosystem?

fungi rot things, helping organism like plants gain nutrients more easily. for humans and herbivores: they can also help with diseases, food, drink, improve medicine, and bioremediation bacteria help plants eat, cleanse water and help the cycle of nutrients like carbon, sulfur and nitrogen. these are some positives if that's what your question meant..

What is another type of decompser?

Mushrooms, flies, and, worms are all decomposers

Where to shelf fungi grow?

Shelf Fungi grow on dead wood. In rare cases, it grows on live wood, and starves the tree from all of its nutrients.

What are the importance of mycorrihiza?

Mycorrhiza fungi can form a symbionic relationship with a plant's roots by effectively extending the plants ability to take up nutrients from the soil. The plant, in turn, provides needed sugars and other nutrients for the fungi. This relationship is not, however, true for all species or in all growing conditions.

How do fungi get their nutrition?

Fungi secrete enzymes into the environment. These enzymes breakdown/degrade organic compounds and release the nutrients stored in those compounds. The nutrients are then absorbed by the fungus. Some fungi are able to secrete enzymes that transform unusable, inorganic forms of nutrients into usable forms, which are then absorbed.

What do fungi secret to obtain nutrients?

Fungi have a type of "root " system called hyphae. They are essentially the same as roots on a plant except that a mushroom or other type of fungi doesn't rely on photosynthesis instead absorbing all it's need nutrients through these hyphae.

Can fungi absorb water?

it gets water from its nearest surroundings.

Why are decomposers important to a community?

By having to eat all the bacteria of dead plants and animals

Why does energy flow through an ecosystem rather than be recycled in it?

All energy comes from the sun, and that the ultimate fate of all energy in ecosystems is to be lost as heat. Energy does not recycle!! since the energy is not returned to the sun.

Are bears decomposers?

Leeches are not decomposers. They are consumers.