

Do garden peas mature quickly

Updated: 11/2/2022
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15y ago

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Yes, they dont take very long to mature. If you pee on them they will mature within 3-6 days. Ha

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Q: Do garden peas mature quickly
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Is it true that garden peas are difficult to grow because they mature slowly?

This is false!Garden peas are smaller so they're quicker in maturing!

Where are mange tout's grown?

Mangetouts aka snowpeas are grown on the plant which also produces garden peas. The pods are picked long before they are mature; the peas are the size of a pin-head, the pods are flat, thin and delicious.

How is peas grown?

in the garden

Why did mendel use garden peas in his garden?

Mendel chose peas because they had seven traits that he could study. Peas are easy to grow and they self fertilize.

What is the list of all types of Peas?

The types of peas are: snap peas, snow peas, and garden peas (some people know it as green peas, English peas, or shelling peas).

Did Gregor Mendel work with garden peas?

Yes his most famous work dealt with the genetics of peas.

What are the 7 characteristics of garden peas?

garden pea common pea green pea ambot ?

What happens when when peas are harvested?

Green peas should be harvested when they are plump and mature. Dried peas should be harvested when all the pods are dry. For machine harvesting of dried peas, the entire plant may have to be dry (dead).

What are three reasons the garden is a good subject for studying heredity?

1. Several characters of the garden pea exist in two clearly different forms, 2. The male and female reproductive parts of the garden peas are enclosed within the same flower,3. The garden pea is small, grows easily matures quickly, and produces many offspring

Where does petits pois come from?

The term is French and means " small peas". They are a smaller version of garden peas and are claimed to be sweeter.

What are three reason the garden pea is a good subject for studying heredity?

1. Several characters of the garden pea exist in two clearly different forms, 2. The male and female reproductive parts of the garden peas are enclosed within the same flower,3. The garden pea is small, grows easily matures quickly, and produces many offspring

How is the trait theory examined?

by garden peas of Mendel to formulate the laws of inheritance